Cover of album "Nightmare Nights" by band Church Girls

i’ve been a big fan of the way that hardcore and post-hardcore keeps blending with indie rock as hardcore and post-hardcore kids get further and further away from even being able to be called “kids” as a joke. CHURCH GIRLS have been around a minute, but i only really got into them this year, and this EP was a super fun release. songs like “Death Wish” include the mathy post-hardcore guitar riffs that sound like the obama administration in washington, DC, without ever tipping over the line into, like, modern emo-dom (sorry PATD! fans, your boys need like 85% less production).

while the remix of it that ends the record is forgettable, “I Hate This House” is a great, rowdy, bitter, fit about the part right before the end of things. your relationship, your marriage, your 30s, could be any or all of these.
